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03 October 2023

DE MARTINO (Monbulk) (19:12): (346) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Children, and the action I seek is for the minister to visit Trek Learning Centre in Monbulk to discuss their concerns. Trek is an important local group working with very at-risk youth in our local area who at times need links to local services. Trek Learning Centre in my electorate operates as a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to ensuring equity and access for vulnerable children and young individuals who confront substantial obstacles in the realms of education, training, employment, community integration, health and wellbeing. Trek Learning Centre was born out of an attempt to create specialised programs aimed at offering opportunities to vulnerable young people. The centre draws inspiration from insights into developmental trauma and the recognition that establishing foundations and facilitating healing are essential prerequisites for genuine opportunities and success to be attainable for those who grapple with complex childhood impacts and barriers.


At Trek Learning Centre they extend opportunities for empowerment, growth and change to children and young people through specialised therapeutic programs meticulously designed to function within a comprehensive framework focused on addressing complex trauma, overcoming barriers and promoting healing. Their endeavours are centred on mitigating repercussions from trauma and mental health challenges in children and young individuals through hands-on interventions in a therapeutic farm environment. It is a truly, truly special place. Through these initiatives, Trek’s objective is to establish a robust and capable neural foundation, facilitating integrated functionality and enabling children and young people to attain successful learning, adeptly manage intricate emotions and gain insight into their own responses and self-preservation patterns. I truly look forward to the minister visiting Trek Learning Centre, which is quite a special place we have here.